Package-level declarations

Contains data models and enums used throughout the SDK for representing call states, audio devices, error types, and other essential data structures.


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Enum class to represent the different AudioDevices that can be used by the SDK with a given code

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Enum class to represent the different Call States that a call can be in.

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Enum class to represent the different Cause Codes that are received when an invitation is refused with a given code

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Enum class to represent the different Gateway States that are received when a login attempt is made with a given state

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Enum class to describe the loglevel that the SDK should use. The log level itself is implemented with Timber via TelnyxLoggingTree each level has a provided priority

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data class PushMetaData(val callerName: String, val callerNumber: String, val callId: String, val voiceSdkId: String? = null, val rtcIP: String? = null, val rtcPort: Int? = null)
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Enum class to detail the error responses that the socket connection can receive with the given errorCode

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Enum class to detail the Method property of the response from the Telnyx WEBRTC client. with the given methodName

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Enum class to detail Socket Status messages

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data class TxServerConfiguration(val host: String = Config.TELNYX_PROD_HOST_ADDRESS, val port: Int = Config.TELNYX_PORT, val turn: String = Config.DEFAULT_TURN, val stun: String = Config.DEFAULT_STUN)