Package-level declarations

Manages outgoing Verto protocol messages and requests.

The root package provides the main client interface and call management functionality.


The SDK provides the following key features:

  • Audio calls with support for different audio devices (speaker, earpiece, bluetooth)

  • Call management (make, answer, reject, end calls)

  • Push notification support for incoming calls

  • Network resilience with automatic reconnection

  • Custom SIP headers support

  • Configurable logging levels

Quick Start

Here's a basic example of using the SDK:

// Initialize client
val client = TelnyxClient(context)

// Make a call
val call = client.newInvite(
    callerName = "John Doe",
    callerNumber = "+1234567890",
    destinationNumber = "+1987654321",
    clientState = "my-state"

// Answer an incoming call
    callId = uuid,
    destinationNumber = "destination"

// End a call


The SDK is organized into several key packages:

  • model - Data models and enums for call states, audio devices, etc.

  • peer - WebRTC peer connection management

  • socket - WebSocket communication with Telnyx servers

  • utilities - Helper functions and network monitoring

  • verto - Implementation of the Verto protocol for signaling


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data class AttachCallParams(val userVariables: AttachUserVariables) : ParamRequest
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data class AttachUserVariables(    val pushNotificationEnvironment: String = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) "development" else "production",     val pushNotificationProvider: String = "android")
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data class ByeDialogParams(val callId: UUID) : DialogParams
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data class ByeParams(val sessid: String, val causeCode: Int, val cause: String, val dialogParams: ByeDialogParams) : ParamRequest
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data class CallDialogParams(    val useStereo: Boolean = false,     val attach: Boolean = false,     val video: Boolean = false,     val screenShare: Boolean = false,     val audio: Boolean = true,     val userVariables: ArrayList<Any> = arrayListOf(),     val clientState: String = "",     val callId: UUID,     val remoteCallerIdName: String = "",     val callerIdNumber: String = "",     val callerIdName: String = "",     val destinationNumber: String = "",     val customHeaders: ArrayList<CustomHeaders> = arrayListOf())
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data class CallParams(    val sessid: String,     val sdp: String,     val userAgent: String = "Android-" + BuildConfig.SDK_VERSION.toString(),     val dialogParams: CallDialogParams) : ParamRequest
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sealed class DialogParams
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data class DisablePushParams(val user: String, val userVariables: UserVariables) : ParamRequest
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data class InfoParams(val sessid: String, val dtmf: String, val dialogParams: CallDialogParams) : ParamRequest
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data class InitiateOrStopStatPrams(    val type: String = "debug_report_stop",     val debugReportId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),     val debugReportVersion: Int = 1,     val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),     val jsonrpc: String = "2.0") : ParamRequest
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data class LoginParam(    val loginToken: String?,     val login: String?,     val passwd: String?,     val userVariables: JsonObject,     val loginParams: Map<Any, Any>?,     val sessid: String,     val userAgent: String = "Android-" + BuildConfig.SDK_VERSION.toString()) : ParamRequest
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data class ModifyParams(val sessid: String, val action: String, val dialogParams: CallDialogParams) : ParamRequest
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sealed class ParamRequest
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class SendingMessageBody(val id: String, val method: String, val params: ParamRequest, val jsonrpc: String = "2.0")

A data class the represents the structure of every message received via the socket connection

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data class StateParams(val state: String?) : ParamRequest
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data class StatPrams(    val type: String = "debug_report_data",     val debugReportId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),     val reportData: JsonObject,     val debugReportVersion: Int = 1,     val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),     val jsonrpc: String = "2.0") : ParamRequest
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data class TokenDisablePushParams(val loginToken: String, val userVariables: UserVariables) : ParamRequest
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data class UserVariables(val pushDeviceToken: String, val pushNotificationProvider: String = "android")