data class Call(val context: Context, val client: TelnyxClient, var socket: TxSocket, val sessionId: String, val audioManager: AudioManager, val providedTurn: String = Config.DEFAULT_TURN, val providedStun: String = Config.DEFAULT_STUN)
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constructor(context: Context, client: TelnyxClient, socket: TxSocket, sessionId: String, audioManager: AudioManager, providedTurn: String = Config.DEFAULT_TURN, providedStun: String = Config.DEFAULT_STUN)
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Returns call state live data
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Returns mute state live data
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Returns hold state live data
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Returns loudspeaker state live data
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Returns the TelnyxSessionId set as a response from an invite or ringing socket call
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Returns the TelnyxSessionId set as a response from an invite or ringing socket call
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Either places a call on hold, or unholds a call based on the current holdLiveData value
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Either enables or disables the AudioManager loudspeaker mode based on the current loudSpeakerLiveData value
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Either mutes or unmutes the AudioManager based on the current muteLiveData value
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