
class TelnyxClient(var context: Context) : TxSocketListener

The TelnyxClient class that can be used to control the SDK. Create / Answer calls, change audio device, etc.



the Context that the application is using


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constructor(context: Context)


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object Companion

Companion object containing constant values used throughout the client.

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Enum class that defines the type of ringtone resource.

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Enum class that defines the current audio output mode.


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val call: Call?
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fun acceptCall(callId: UUID, destinationNumber: String, customHeaders: Map<String, String>? = null): Call

Accepts an incoming call invitation.

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fun connect(providedServerConfig: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration(), txPushMetaData: String? = null)
fun connect(providedServerConfig: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration(), credentialConfig: CredentialConfig, txPushMetaData: String? = null, autoLogin: Boolean = true)

Connects to the socket using this client as the listener Will respond with 'No Network Connection' if there is no network available

fun connect(providedServerConfig: TxServerConfiguration = TxServerConfiguration(), tokenConfig: TokenConfig, txPushMetaData: String? = null, autoLogin: Boolean = true)
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Logs the user in with credentials provided via CredentialConfig

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fun disablePushNotification(sipUserName: String?, loginToken: String?, fcmToken: String)

Disables push notifications for current user

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fun endCall(callId: UUID)

Ends an active call.

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Returns all active calls that have been stored in our calls MutableMap The MutableMap is converted into a Map - preventing any changes by the SDK User

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Gets the currently configured ringback tone resource.

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Gets the currently configured ringtone resource.

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Returns the socket response in the form of LiveData The format of each message is provided in SocketResponse and ReceivedMessageBody

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fun getWsMessageResponse(): LiveData<JsonObject>

Returns the json messages from socket in the form of LiveData used for debugging purposes

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fun newInvite(callerName: String, callerNumber: String, destinationNumber: String, clientState: String, customHeaders: Map<String, String>? = null): Call

Creates a new outgoing call invitation.

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open override fun onAnswerReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires when a user has provided an answer to a call attempt

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open override fun onAttachReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires once a connection has been reestablished during an ongoing call and a session is being reattached

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open override fun onByeReceived(callId: UUID)

Fires when the TxSocket has received an indication the a call has ended or been rejected

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open override fun onClientReady(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires once the client is ready and gateway status updates can be received

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open override fun onConnectionEstablished()

Fires when a socket connection is established

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open override fun onDisablePushReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires when a disablePush response is recieved

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open override fun onDisconnect()

Disconnect from the TxSocket and unregister the provided network callback

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open override fun onErrorReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires when an error has occurred with the TxSocket

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open override fun onGatewayStateReceived(gatewayState: String, receivedSessionId: String?)

Fires once a Gateway state has been received. These are used to find a verified registration

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open override fun onIceCandidateReceived(iceCandidate: IceCandidate)

Fires when a usable IceCandidate has been received

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open override fun onMediaReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires when an answer has been provided with additional media

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open override fun onOfferReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires when the TxSocket has received an invitation to communicate

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open override fun onRingingReceived(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Fires once we receive a ringing socket response, containing Telnyx information

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open override fun pingPong()

Fires when a ping message is received from the server, requiring a pong response

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Sets the audio device that the SDK should use

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open override fun setCallRecovering()

Fires when network has dropped during an ongoing call. Signifies that the SDK will attempt to recover once network has returned

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fun tokenLogin(config: TokenConfig)

Logs the user in with credentials provided via TokenConfig